Updated July 12, 2022
There is no accurate, official list of the World War II fallen.
The mission of Stories Behind the Stars is to create an accurate, complete list of these fallen and make sure that each one of them has a story that can be read at their gravesites or memorials, anywhere in the world.
The best way to create this list is state by state.
We now have a total of 27 volunteer state directors working on compiling these historic, first-ever lists in their home states. They can use your help to (1) find all the names that belong on their state list, and (2) write stories of all these WWII fallen.
You can email any of them to find out how you can help out.
Alabama - Bob Fuerst - bob.al@storiesbehindthestars.org
Alaska - Dennis Dupras - dennis.ak@storiesbehindthestars.org
Arizona - Jack W. Chisum - jchisum@q.com
California - Tammy Burrows - tammy@storiesbehindthestars.org
Colorado - Michelle Rollins - michelle@storiesbehindthestars.org
Connecticut - Jeff DeWitt - jeff@storiesbehindthestars.org
Florida - Madonna Jervis Wise - madonna@storiesbehindthestars.org
Georgia - Becky Fox - bfox@storiesbehindthestars.org
Idaho - Dane Bean - dabean@storiesbehindthestars.org
Illinois - Pam Broviak - pam@storiesbehindthestars.org
Indiana - Emily Ritter - emily.dday@storiesbehindthestars.org
Kansas - Douglas Rupe - douglas.r@storiesbehindthestars.org
Kentucky - Julie Eastridge - Julie@yourveryowncfo.com
Louisiana - Tricia Castille - tricia.LA@storiesbehindthestars.org
Michigan - New director needed
Missouri - Lisa McCole - lisa.mo@storiesbehindthestars.org
New Jersey - Karen Kontrath - karenk@storiesbehindthestars.org
New York - Jeanine Grady - jazzspurs12@yahoo.com
North Carolina - Daniel Falls - daniel.f@storiesbehindthestars.org
Oklahoma - Linda Simpson - lindas@storiesbehindthestars.org
Pennsylvania - Heather Ritts - heather@storiesbehindthestars.org
Rhode Island - Allison Albert - allison@storiesbehindthestars.org
Texas - Mitzi Laughlin - mitzilaughlin@storiesbehindthestars.org
Utah - Coby Crump - coby@storiesbehindthestars.org
Virginia - Elizabeth Macfarlane - elizabethmac@storiesbehindthestars.org
Washington - Kimberly Nichols - kimberly@storiesbehindthestars.org
West Virginia - Ashley Durig - ashley@storiesbehindthestars.org
Wisconsin - Jean Cookle - jean@storiesbehindthestars.org
Don’t see your state on the list? All our state directors are volunteers. If you want to see what this entails, email me at don@storiesbehindthestars.org.